Category: Aero Wheel Science

  • What I’ve Learned from My Time in a Wind Tunnel – Part 1

    The first time we visited the A2 Wind Tunnel we were under the assumption that testing a wheel was a simple as placing it in the wind tunnel and reading the results. What we didn’t know was that there were a large number of things that can alter the results. We also didn’t really know…

  • FLO Cycling – FLO 30 Wind Tunnel Results and the Retesting of the FLO 60, 90, and DISC

    FLO 30, 60, 90, DISC Wind Tunnel Results

    LEGACY BLOG POST: Please note this data is from our original generation of wheels. Many things have been changed and updated. We spent an awesome day testing at the A2 Wind Tunnel last week.  We spent more time testing than ever before and we are excited to share the results with you. Here’s a breakdown…

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics

      LEGACY ARTICLE: This article shows CFD work done on our first generation FLO Wheels CFD Results For Cycling Wheel Profiles I wanted to take a minute and put up a few shots of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data we are getting back. The results for the 60mm fairing are in and we are…