Author: Jon Thornham

  • Aerodynamics for Triathletes

    Aerodynamics is important for you as a cyclist because regardless of how fast you are on the bike, understanding how to be more “aero” will save you minutes on your triathlon. You’ve probably heard a number of things about aerodynamics over the years, plus some of those aero myths, but I’d like you to read…

  • Cycling Efficiency for Triathletes

    Let’s start with the number one thing we want you to know: The goal for any cyclist is to use the watts you put into pedals to move you forward, efficiently. Aerodynamics, rolling resistance, watts, etc, all fall into the “being faster efficiently” category but they don’t matter much if you don’t understand why they…

  • Wheel Selection for Triathletes

    “Which wheels are best for me?” is by far the most asked question I receive. Wheel selection can be overwhelming. There are so many options. So, if you’re reading this and wondering, “which wheels are best for me?” I got you. Front Wheel A front wheel has a steering axis allowing the wheel to turn.…

  • Welcome to FLO Cycling

    First things first, let me introduce myself and give you a little history on FLO.  My name is Jon Thornham, Cofounder, CEO, head engineer, all the things, at FLO. I was born and raised in Canada and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada full time after University. I am a mechanical engineer by trade and entrepreneur…